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The Bestest Love

©woonmypocket Link: This morning an article came out, it was about preview of one of stories in Hello Counselor that will be aired tonight (25/02). The story was about a girl who's living with her grandparents, she said she even forgot how her mother looks like. As one of the guest panellist, Sungwoon said he could understand what the girl has felt, because he was raised by his grandparents as well. The respond I read in Twitter make it sounds like Sungwoon's life was so miserable and sad. I don't know but I thought it's nothing miserable at all. Yes, it's such a pity not to live with your own parents like the other common family be. But, if letting your child living with the grandparents guarantee a better environment for him, so why not? I could see that Sungwoon's parents are good people as well. They choose their children happiness over their greed. I believe it's not easy to be separated with your own child, moreover

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